Thursday, October 10, 2013

Smart Phone Addictions


Something caught my attention and it is to do with smart phones. Have you ever wondered how

much time it is given? When you wake up  (actually it is the smart phone alarm that wakes you),

in  class,  during  meals  and  when  you  are  having  a  real  conversation  with  your  friends.   
Did  it shock you when your parents were talking your eyes were down, on your way to campus, if you attended  any  meetings?  Has  the  social  media  overwhelmed  us?  When  was  the  last  time  you looked at your best friend and realized his head had enlarged.

Well, worry not; I came up with a solution. Try to put away your phone twice a week and then
you will realize how much you will take note of like the boring lecturer may have a point, the
environment and the girl with the awkward hair do, the lawns.  Of course you will feel pain in
your heart like you are leaving behind a lot (yes tats the collateral damage of letting your phone
go) but just try it.
Thanks  and  regards  to  your  best  friend  or  even  partner  once  they  appreciate  the  time  and attention that you are showing them.

By Muhindi Jude