Saturday, October 4, 2014

Horrible Bosses Are From Hell

Horrible Bosses Are From Hell

How can a widely revered man also be the epitome of a boss from hell???? When hell was carving out the most horrible bosses, the most senior demons took care with creating my boss. They poured enough sweetness into him to make him lure in ambitious juniors. They also poured four times the amount of vindictive portion into him. When they were stirring the mixture of his character, they put spadefuls of meanness, treachery and bile to make him a bad case of Tormentor. They also rubbed into the mixture buckets of immaturity, micro-managing and sourgraping. And then they put the mixture into a kiln of domination and conquest. He boiled there to the core. As he hardened, they smeared sardonic charm and prolific wit into his curved form. They breathed evil brilliance into his nostrils and he came alive with a smile and a scream. When he awoke, the bossiest demon whispered instructions into his ear.
"Go destroy junior souls and break down old institutions. Go and spread your repressive spell all over the earth. Go taunt and torment your juniors. Crush their spirits!"
And then my boss was released from hell and straight to Uganda where he was born. Can I write my resignation on perfumed pink paper?

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